Friday, February 17, 2012

Online Shop-aholic

Don't you just love when online purchases work out.  
Unfortunately, my track record is b-a-d.  
However, last Friday, I was two for two!  Hip hip hooray!

Isn't this shirt cute?  I feel like a referee today.

If you want to purchase it (buy here).

Here's my other successful purchase.  
(William Rast Ultra Skinny Jerri Jeans in Stardust)

And now....introducing ultra fabulous grainy phone pictures.  
Someone please force me to pull out my real camera.

While still on my online shopping high, I bought these today...
won't they look cute with this shirt?

All I'm missing are these cute bracelets stacked up...
future online purchase?  I think so.
.  .  .

Stay tuned for my newest jewelry obsession............


  1. I would never pick that out but its sooooo cute the way you put it together! Can you come style me, pleeeaaaase??

  2. Love the shirt and bracelets, gorgeous!


  3. In the year of 2017. People around me suddenly begin to hang out with see through flower dress.I'm feeling curious and suspicion at the moment:"Is this a thing now?"And here's my thoughts after research and the dress that I bought.


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