Monday, March 26, 2012


I miss my creative outlet!  Between my husband hogging the computer for his online classes and me attempting to find my new routine, I've completely abandoned The Musings---and I don't like it.  Not one little bit.

In Gap the other day, I bumped into this beautiful little scarf and it inspired my Gap post.

Gap was a favorite store in high school, then they found themselves on my bad list when they started making old lady clothes. I would visit from time to time but never found anything that appealed to me.  In the past few years, they really hit the mark with some classic pieces.  They're doing great with colors, yet they're still keeping it simple.  It's classic and every woman needs some class in their life!

Aren't these colors fabulous?

One thing I appreciate about Gap is that they make dresses, pants, and even sweaters in tall.  
It boggles my mind how stores always seem to have a petite section and leave the tall girls out in the cold.


Here's the beginning photo of my slight obsession with stripes lately.

How cute is this?  
I think my mother had a belt similar to this in her day....
I'm sure I made fun of it 10 years ago.


Last one, I promise!

Every girl needs a handful of basic t-shirts to look effortless.

I must get this adorable Maxi....hooray, it comes in long!

You have no idea how hard it is to find a maxi that comes to the floor. I had a cute little black maxi for a couple of years when my sweet, precious husband decided to put it in the dryer our first month of now comes up to my knees.  I'm not even exaggerating.  

Now go to Gap and get yourself some class :) 

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